Accreditation Association Surveyors




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Accreditation Association surveyors are professionals with extensive experience in the ambulatory health care environment.


AAAHC is no longer accepting surveyor applications for 2012, as the training classes in 2012 are now full. Please check back with AAAHC later this year (in August / September ) if you remain interested. If you have any questions about this, please contact Edrea Tesiorna at
[email protected].

Accreditation Association surveyors are physicians, dentists, podiatrists, nurses and administrators, who are actively involved in ambulatory health care. Only experienced professionals who meet stringent recruitment qualifications are selected in a rigorous application process. Candidates have to submit a complete application, including relevant credentials and supporting documentation. These individuals are screened and interviewed by the Surveyor Training and Education Committee, approved by the Board of Directors, and trained by the Accreditation Association.

Training Programs
Training programs for new surveyors are held as needed to ensure an adequate number of surveyors to meet the survey volume. The formal program consists of three segments, beginning with two to three hours of self instruction and completion of a preparatory assignment. A two and one-half-day, in-depth classroom session is then held which addresses the Accreditation Association's philosophy, standards, and survey procedures. In addition, during the surveyor's first two surveys, supervision by an experienced surveyor is provided. Training continues as the new surveyor participates as a team member on subsequent surveys with experienced surveyors.

Ongoing education of surveyors regarding new standards, survey procedures and Accreditation Association activities is accomplished in a variety of ways, including webinars, newsletters, and required attendance at a bi-annual refresher training program.

Surveyor Position Description
Click here to view a position description that provides information about required qualifations and ongoing requirements of the surveyor position.


Equal Opportunity Employer/M/F/V/D

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